Do I need to pay for a spectator pass if my child is running SavageJR?

Dana J. -

Each SavageJR registration receives ONE complimentary spectator pass. If you are registered to run in Savage Race, you will not need to purchase a spectator pass for yourself to watch the SavageJR race. If you or anyone in your party are not running, however, you will need to register online for additional spectator passes. Click here for more information on spectator passes.

Each spectator who is using the one (1) complimentary spectator pass per-SavageJR runner will check-in at the SavageJR registration table which is located inside the registration (bib pickup) tent. All other spectators can check-in at one of the other check-in tents. 

Those who need to purchase a spectator pass at the event will do so at the SavageJR check-in tent.

Click here for more SavageJR info. 

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