Where are my race photos?

Laura P. -

Race photos will be available for one year following your race. Access may go away after this time. 


Here are links to the complimentary race photos for our 2024 events:


Here are links to the complimentary race photos for our 2023 events:


Here are links to the complimentary race photos for our 2022 events:

Here are links to the complimentary race photos for our 2021 events:


Here are links to the complimentary race photos for our 2020 events:


Here are links to the complimentary race photos for our 2019 events:


*Note: Photos are usually available by the Monday evening following the event. This gives us time to upload and tag the pictures! For some races, a preview album will be published on Facebook the evening of the event, so check out those photos, too!

If you have trouble finding photos of yourself, please remember the following:

    • You can find photos of yourself by using the facial recognition tool. To find yourself, you'll be asked to upload a photo of your face. Additional instructions are on the event photo page. 
    • You can search for photos by filtering using the time range tool. This option shows all photos from the time range you select.
    • Search for photos by zone. The "zones" are the obstacles at which we had photographers stationed. 
      • To get a better search, select a certain time range in addition to a specific zone
    • We suggest first using the facial recognition tool. Please note that this option will likely not reveal ALL photos of you from the race; sometimes, a runner's face is in the background, is unclear, is at an angle, etc... After you use the facial recognition tool to locate yourself at specific obstacles at different times, we suggest searching for photos with the time filter + specific zone option (described above). This option will find photos of you that the facial recognition tool was unable to locate. 
    • Searching through the entire album is an option.
    • If you have trouble locating photos, please send us a message at support@savagerace.com
  • We do our very best to provide you with amazing race photos, but sometimes we're not able to capture all of our participants. Thanks for understanding this!


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