Starting Time Windows

Laura P. -

Savage Race starting time windows:

  • 9:30 AM - 9:55 AM - Premium upgrade for $14.
  • 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM - Included in registration price.
  • 11:35 AM - 12:00 PM - Included in registration price.

Savage Blitz starting time windows:

  • 9:35 AM - 9:55 AM - Premium upgrade for $14.
  • 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM - Included in registration price.
  • 11:35 PM - 12:00 PM - Included in registration price

The Premium starting time window will guarantee you one of the earliest open wave times within the allotted time frame. The cost for the premium wave is just $14.00 per registration.


Those who are registered under the same team will receive a start time in the premium window range if and only if they have either paid to upgrade to the premium window OR if they registered for a doubleheader registration type - this goes for ALL team members. This means that people who are on the same team will receive different start times if there are members who did not select the premium start time option in some fashion on their registration form. 

  • Example 1: If some team members paid to upgrade to the premium start time window but some did not, only those who paid to upgrade will receive one of the earliest, premium start times. The member who did not select the premium start time window will receive a start time of 10:00 AM or later, depending on what window they chose on their registration form. 
  • Example 2: If some people on a team are registered to run twice in one day, they will receive a premium start time for their first race. Team members who are not doing a doubleheader NOR paid to upgrade to the premium start time window will receive a start time in the window that was selected on their registration form. 

By selecting the 10:00 - 11:30 AM or 11:35 - 12:00 PM options, you are guaranteed to be placed within your selected time frame once wave times are finalized one week prior to the event. Both of these choices are included in the registration price.

You may upgrade to the Premium starting time window at any time by sending us a message at



search words: wave, start time, wave time, heat, heat time

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